February 22, 2011

Love and Support Brings Success

I will always be thankful to my parents for never stopping me from being a dreamer. When I was a little girl, I always felt that I could do anything if I pushed myself. When I got married, my husband became my biggest support system and gives me a big push when I need it. Without support from family and friends, my dreams would feel like they were orbiting the stars in Andromeda- twenty-two million years away. 

Your loved ones are a source for inspiration, advice and help. Owning a business is a big journey, and you can't take the ride alone. You make the decisions and call the shots, but having positive voices in your life keeps you focused and motivated. 

Last summer, I began to create personalized stationary. I was up to my ears in paper, and I needed to get opinions from people who saw 80 and 110 pounds as free weights in the gym, not as paper weight! I had my husband and family members test out five different kinds of paper to see which one they liked for thickness/higher quality. Getting opinions from people who aren't in your industry, but care about you as a person, can really push your business forward.

Albert Einstein attributed his success to the people that made innovations in his field before he arrived on the scene. Professionals in your industry can also be a great resource to learn from. Peer-to-peer collaboration is great for networking and sharing experiences. Find friends in your industry who have similar goals, and aren't afraid to share their mistakes so you can learn from them. 

Recently, I found the Lets Talk Stationery boards, which is a group of stationery designers offering advice on production issues and valuable resources in the paper world. Professional forums can help you overcome moments of frustration by reminding you that you that you weren't born with knowledge, you acquired it. 

A dream is only a a fantasy in your head until you put it out into the world through practice, collaboration with others and a whole lot of love and support! Find people who give you encouragement and renew energy. Love, support and friendly advice really does bring you success. 


  1. hi! i just came across your blog and i loved it! love your style! check out my blog and follow if you like, i will do the same!

  2. What an amazing post...perfect to read right before I head off to bed. :)
